Please respond to the survey about your access to Internet at home.

Patron Letter - Superintendent Search

What you can do to keep your child and school safe during a pandemic.

Centre USD 397 will release early on Wednesday, November 4th. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 PM. This is a scheduled early release day.

Lots of artistic talent at Centre - Elementary students decorating pumpkins for the Halloween Holiday!

Trunk or Treat and Costume Parade at Centre - Thank you, thank you for the amazing participation of parents, grandparents, and community members today. Thank you for making the the event so joyful for our Elementary students. Students love to display their costumes and are so happy when you ooh and ahh over them! Thank you for your huge generosity as each student received a load of treats. You are so appreciated !!!

The Trunk or Treat activity scheduled for this afternoon at 2:15 has been moved to the school parking lot instead of around the track. We will have an area set up directly in front of the gym where you can park with your decorated vehicles. In addition, the first row of parking will be available for family and community members. Again, we ask that you do not enter the school building. Thank you so much for supporting our students during this Halloween activity.

Centre USD 397 will be closed on Friday, October 30th. This is a scheduled no school day. Please have a safe and fun Halloween weekend.

Centre School will be releasing students at 11:15 AM due to worsening road conditions.

Lady Cougars are moving on to the championship game vs Hutch-Central Christian! They defeated Elyria 26-24, 25-17.

The bonfire that was scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.

Next week is Red Ribbon Week! Please see the attachment for information about our dress up days.

Due to low numbers, the high school football game for this Friday has been canceled.

Centre JH/HS Parents,
Parent/Teacher Conferences are going to be conducted a little differently this year. Conferences will be held in a virtual format on October 26 and 27 from 4:00-8:00. Since it will be in a virtual setting, the times to meet with teachers will need to be scheduled. If you have certain teachers that you would like to meet with, please email them directly to set up a time. The teachers will then set up a Zoom link to meet with you or place a phone call at that time.
Please use the following emails to contact the teachers of your son or daughter.
Janis Peterson - petersonj@usd397.com
Tim Vinduska - tvinduska@usd397.com
Tana Riffel - triffel@usd397.com
Sherri Hudson - shudson@usd397.com
Mary Miller - mmiller@usd397.com
Laura Klenda - lklenda@usd397.com
Kelly Steiner - ksteiner@usd397.com
Karen Nickel - knickel@usd397.com
Jon Meyer - jmeyer@usd397.com
Angela Basore - abasore@usd397.com
Phil Duerksen - pduerksen@usd397.com
Amy Harms - aharms@usd397.com
Amy Pagenkopf - apagenkopf@usd397.com
Bruce Rhodes - brhodes@usd397.com
Joseph Kvas - jkvas@usd397.com

Centre School will be dismissing early on Friday, October 23rd. Dismissal time will be at 2:00 PM. This is the end of the 1st quarter of school.

Parent/Teacher conferences for Preschool through 5th grade will be done virtually or by phone this year. These will take place on Monday, October 26 and Tuesday, October 27 from 4-8 pm. Parents can schedule a conference at their preferred time through Skyward Family Access. On the left side of the screen there is a Conferences tab. Once you click on that tab, click on All Conferences and Select a Time. If you have questions, please call the school.

The Kansas Association of School Boards in accordance with the Centre School District is conducting an online survey to seek input on desired characteristics for the new superintendent. The survey will take approximately five minutes to complete and can be accessed at the following link:

Trick or Treat around the track, Thursday, October 29th at 2:15

Reminder that Spirit Week starts tomorrow! Tomorrow will be Space Day!

Please wash your child's mask daily. Don't reuse masks. It can cause major health concerns.